BOC FALCON S (Hancock) Co-Ordinate Drive Flame Cutting Machine. Manual
BOC FALCON S (manufactured by Hancock Cutting Machines Ltd and badged BOC) C-Ordinate Drive Flame Cutting Machine (a Profiling Machine). Detailed Instruction and Maintenance Manual with a Parts Manual as Sectional Drwawings and five Electrical Schematics.
BOC General-Guide Welding Hand-book
BOC "Hand book of Instructions" for handling gas-welding equipment. Includes: Welding - method of operation; Welding various material; hints on cutting; care in handling cylinders, etc. An excellent primer.
- Operators Manual
BOC ADR-200 & ADR-300 Manual
BOC ADR-200 and ADR-300 Argon Arc Welding Units. Detailed Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Wiring Schematics.
BOC Cub Major Manual
BOC Cub Major Cutting Machine. Detailed Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Diagrams and Illustrated Parts List.
BOC Lynx Semi-Automatic Welding Euipment Data Pack - Instructions plus MRCS 200B Rectifier, SPR MIG Welding Unit, Lynx 2B Wire-feed & LT-3 Torch
BOC Lynx Semi-Automatic Welding Equipment Data Pack that includes: MRCS 200B Welding Power Unit (Rectifier) Instruction and Maintenance Manual. SPR MIG Welding Unit Power Unit Instruction and Maintenance Manual with two Electrical Schematics. Lynx 2B Wire-feed and LT-3 Torch Instruction and Maintenance and Part
BOC Micro Plasma Welding Manual
BOC Micro-Plasma Welding Equipment. Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic.
BOC WP-3 Manual
BOC Plasma Welding Console and WP-3 Plasma Welding Torch. Operator's Instruction Manual and Parts Manual.
BOC Portapak Manual
BOC Quasi-Arc Welder Manual
BOC "Quasi-Arc" Types ACP.300, ACP.300C, ACP.450 and ACP.2/300. BOC "QUASI-ARC" Types ACP.300, ACP.300C, ACP.450 and ACP.2/300. Detailed and well-illustrated Instruction and Maintenance Manual with photographs of the external faces and control levers and switches and all the inside components. Includes circuit diagrams and a Parts List
BOC SMR 200 MIG Welding Unit Manual
BOC SMR 200 MIG Welding Unit with Lynx 2B Wire-feed and LT-3 Torch: Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual and an Electrical Schematic.
BOC SMR 350 MIG Welding Unit Manual
BOC SMR 350 MIG Welding Unit. Instruction, Maintenance, Parts and Electrical Schematics Manual. Includes the Instructions and Parts Lists for the Lynx 2B Wire-feed and LT-3 Torches.
BOC Transtig Manual
BOC Transtig THF-450, TCM-450 & TSM-335 Welders Manual
BOC Transtig THF 450, TCM 450 and TSM 335 Welding Sets: Instructions and Parts Manual with wiring diagrams. English, French, German and Italian Text. Includes a copy of the Technical Sales and Specification and Specification catalogue.
BOC Transmig 180 Manual
BOC Transmig 180 Welding Set Operating Instructions with complete with Parts List and Wiring Diagrams Suppliments.
BOC 36-inch Universal Cutting Machine Manual
BOC 36-inch Universal Cutting Machine. Detailed Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Diagrams and Illustrated Parts List.
BOC 55-inch Universal Cutting Machine Manual
BOC 55-inch Universal Cutting Machine. Detailed Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Diagrams and Illustrated Parts List.
BOC Minigraph Manual
BOC MINIGRAPH (also branded as the Hanco-Mark Minigraph and Hanco-Mark Type CW). Detailed Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Illustrated Parts List. £55. (Also available separately the Service Manual for Westinghouse (now Linatrol) HL-90 co-ordinate drive trace system (scanner) - see below
- Operators Manual
- Maintenance Manual
- Parts Manual
- Electrical Diagrams
BOC 5TW-451 Manual
BOC 5TW-451 and TW-452 Water-cooled Torches for Tig Welding. Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings. Text in English, Francais, Deutch, Italiano and Espanol
BOC Pug 1 Portable Cutting Machines Manual
BOC Pug 1 and Pug 2 Portable Cutting Machines (early and late type). Two Instruction and Maintenance Manuals (early and late) including a Parts List and Electrical diagram.
BOC Falcon 23 (Hancock) Profile Cutting Machine.Manual
BOC FALCON 23 (manufactured by Hancock Cutting Machines Ltd and badged BOC) Co-ordinate Drive Flame Cutting Machine (a Profiling Machine). Detailed Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Wiring Diagrams. £65
BOC Oxygen Cutters Manual
BOC Oxygen cutting Machines. General Guide to their use, Model Types and Capabilities.
- Operators Manual
BOC Minigraph Westinghouse (now Linatrol ) SHL-90 Maintenance Manual
BOC Minigraph Westinghouse (now Linatrol ) Service Manual HL-90 co-ordinate drive trace system (scanner). Includes an electrical schematic.