Boxford O-CT Manual
Boxford with Fanuc Series O-CT, OO-TC and O-Mate TC Operator's Manual with Parameter Listings.
Boxford ACL Lathe Manual
Boxford VM30 Milling Machine Manual
Boxford VM30 Vertical Miller. Operating and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic (slender but useful) and a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification and Specification and Accessories Literature.
Boxford & Union G200 Tool & Cutter Grinder Manual
Boxford (often badged "Union") G200 Tool and Cutter Grinder. Instruction Manual. Also includes a copy of the detailed sales, Technical Specification & Accessories Catalogue. This Tool and Cutter Grinder can be seen here
Boxford Shaper Manual - a complete data pack
BOXFORD SHAPERS. A data pack consisting of: the Operator's Manual for the Boxford 8-inch and Models 200 & S200 together with a copy of "How to Run a Metal Working Shaper" - the detailed and well-illustrated manual for the shaper on which the Boxford model was based, the South Bend.
Brook Crompton MB4 Manual
Brook Crompton Electric Motor: Type MB4 Disc Brake Instruction sheet (unit as fitted to Boxford VSL and other lathe).