Foley Belsaw SS-1000 Saw Setter Manual
Foley Belsaw SS-1000 Saw Setter - Power Model. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.
Foley Saw Filers Manual
Foley Saw Filers - Detailed Operating and Maintenance Instructions (and some Illustrated Parts List) for Foley Saw Filers, Foley Retoothers, Model 281 Foley Setter, Foley 281 and 282 Band Saw Setter, Foley 280 and 536 Circular Saw Setter, Foley 462 Vulkan Electric Brazer, Foley HG-12 Saw Sharpener and Gummer, Foley Automatic Retoother Model 32, Foley 562 Electric Brazer and some details for the