Manuals and Catalogues

Print code: MH590

HEY No. 3 Automatic Facing and Centering Machine: Operating and Maintenance Manual. Includes a copy of the Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue.

Print code: MH590A

HEY No. 3 Automatic Facing & Centering Machine: Equipment for Short Work - Supplementary publication.

Print code: MH590B

Hey No. 3 Automatic Facing and Centering Machine: Detailed Manual of Standard Tooling to Inch Standard with clear illustrations.

Print code: MH590D

HEY 10-inch Gear Tooth Rounding and Chamfering Machine. Operating and Maintenance Manual.

Print code: MH590E

HEY 20-inch Gear Tooth Rounding and Chamfering Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual; two Manuals in one.

Print code: MH590F

HEY 18A Gear Burring Machine. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.