Repair Parts for Attachments used on Brown and Sharpe Automatic Screw Machines
Repair Parts for Attachments used on Brown and Sharpe Automatic Screw Machines (Including Turret Forming, Cutting-Off and Screw Threading Types).
Consists of photographic plates of parts for the following attachments:
Sundstrand General Catalog (1940s/1950s). Millers, Lathes, Centering Machines, etc.
Sundstrand General Catalog (1940s/1950s?). Milling machines Rigidmils No.00, No.0, No.1. Electromil No.2, Fluid-screw Rigidmil, Vertical profile Rigidmils, Automatic lathes, Special machines, Centering Machines, Balancing Tools and Special Machines. 16 pages