Favorite Lathes No. 2 & No. 3. Sales & Specification Catalogues

Favorite Lathes: Lathes No. 2 and No 3 - these are the heavier, WW-type lathes with a flat-topped bed and not the lighter "Geneva" type with a round bed. Sales & Specification Catalogues. A collection of literature including the associated pages from the Favorite Full-range Catalogue showing the No. 3 and No. 2 lathe and all their accessories.

  • Catalog
STANKOIMPORT TOOL and CUTTER GRINDER Service, Adjustment, Dismantling & Parts Manual

STANKOIMPORT TOOL and CUTTER GRINDER Service, Adjustment and Dismantling Manual, and Illustrated Parts' List Manual. The Company's most popular model was a copy of the Cincinnati No. 2 TOOL and CUTTER GRINDER - and a copy of the manual for that machine is offered in place of the yet-to-be discovered Russian edition.

  • Maintenance Manual
  • Parts Manual
  • Electrical Diagrams
Lidkoping No. 2 Manual

Lidkoping No. 2 Centreless Grinding Machine all Types. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual; includes large electrical schematic.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Electrical Diagrams