DIXI General catalogue with the Dixi 200, Model 300 (Dixi 3S), Dixi 210, Dixi 350, Dixi 400 and Dixi 500

DIXI General Catalogue circa 1976 showing the following models and their variants: Model Dixi 200, Model 300 (Dixi 3S), Dixi 210, Dixi 350, Dixi 400, Dixi 500 (Dixi 5S) with details of the Controls, Dixi CNC 2200, CNC 440, Automatic Tool Holders, Tool Changers ATC50 85 and 144 and the Pallet Changer. 16 pages.

  • Catalog
Contraves Compact 200 Manual

Contraves Compact ADB/F (200 Series). Operating Manual and a set of Service Guides (ex-service engineer) comprising: several sets of electrical diagrams; Electrical Test and Set Up Instructions for Interact 4 with 150 TNC control, Series 1 Interact Mk.2 with TNC 150/B/TNC155A; Series 2 Interact 4 with TNC 150/B/TNC155A; WHS D/A Speed Reference PCB main spindle drive.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Electrical Diagrams