INGERS (Incontrera Wenninger) Range Catalogue: Lathes, Millers, Grinders & Shapers
INGERS (Incontrera and Wenninger) UNIMILLA; General Sales & Specification Catalogue showing the Lathes Types Super 153, Toolroom 175, 200/N, 225 and 305.Milling machines V3, Profilross Hydraulic Copy Miller, Inger Universals Sizes 1,2 and 3 and their optional Motorised Overarm. Universal Grinding Machines RU100 and RU600. Shaping Machines Models 460, 550, 680, 750 and 900.
Jones and Shipman 305 Tool and Cutter Grinder Manual
Jones and Shipman 305 Tool and Cutter Grinder. Operating and Maintenance Manual.