Butler, Elliott Concord 460 & 550, 560 and 570 lathes: Instruction & Maintenance Manual.

ELLIOTT, BUTLER and CONCORD 460 (18") and  550 (22") lathes (this machine was badged in various ways including the 560, 570 but all are identical). Instruction & Maintenance Manual. Includes a copy of the maker's comprehensive Technical Sales Catalogue and clear diagrams of the often illegible Screwcutting and Feeds Charts.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Catalog
  • Other
K450C KLOPP Shapers and Vertical Slotters Full-range Catalogues

KLOPP Shapers and Vertical Slotters. Probably the best descriptive literature on any make of shaper - this is a Catalogue Collection including a 22-page Full Range, well-illustrated and detailed Technical Specification and Accessories Brochure showing the Shapers Models 375, 450, 550, 625, 725, 850, 1200 HS and the Vertical Slotters Types SK250, SK500 and SK700.

INGERS (Incontrera Wenninger) Range Catalogue: Lathes, Millers, Grinders & Shapers

INGERS (Incontrera and Wenninger) UNIMILLA; General Sales & Specification Catalogue showing the Lathes Types Super 153, Toolroom 175, 200/N, 225 and 305.Milling machines V3, Profilross Hydraulic Copy Miller, Inger Universals Sizes 1,2 and 3 and their optional Motorised Overarm. Universal Grinding Machines RU100 and RU600. Shaping Machines Models 460, 550, 680, 750 and 900.