Leinen Sort-bed lathes Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue
Leinen Sort-bed lathes Models Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue (No. Kw324E) . Models include: K, L, M, KW, LW, MW, KR, LR, MR, KA, LA, MA, KAR, LAR, MAR, KH, LH, MH, KHR, LHR, MHR & Stands & Accessories. 8 pages. £25
Huron Millers Catalog - 1940s to 1950s
Huron Milling Machines: Wonderful 100-page Catalogue showing the full range of Millers and Accessories as current through the 1940s to 1950s. machines include: "K", "KU", "KVC", KVCAO", "KVP", "KH", "KVR", "KUR", "KHR", "LR", 2-LUR", and "L".