Holbrook "Major" Toolroom lathe 1960s. Catalogue
Holbrook "Major" Toolroom lathe 1960s. Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue.
Cardiff Major Lathes Data Pack Manual
Cardiff "Major" Lathes. A complete Data Pack that covers all version with centre heights from 7 to 10.5 inches. (the lathes are sometimes found marked 14-inch, 15-inch, 16-inch, 18-inch and 21-inch). Operating and Maintenance Manual with Lubrication data and Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogues.
Cardiff Major Lathe Parts Manual
Cardiff Major lathes 7", 7.5" and 8" centre-height models. Illustrated Parts Manual.
Coronet Major, Minor, Minorette & Elf, Major CMB500, etc. Compendium Data Pack
CORONET MAJOR, MINOR, MINORETTE, ELF (including the late-model Elf sold as a "Record", CONCORD, CONSORT, (etc) planers, bandsaws, sawbenches, etc.
A complete data pack compendium for Coronet products consisting of:
- Operators Manual
- Catalog
- Other
Parts & Accessories
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