SIP MP-1H Manual
SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer MP-1H: Detailed Technical Manual including Hints on Using the Machine.
SIP MP-2P Manual
SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer MP-2P: Detailed Technical Manual including a Setting-up Manual, Electrical Instructions with wiring diagrams, How to Use the Machine (and lay out work), employment of accessories including the Locating Microscope, Working Microscope, Reference Square, Spotting Tool, Drill Chuck, Collets, Boring Head, Boring Tool Holder, etc.
SIP MP-3C Manual
SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer MP-3C: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with useful sectional drawings. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue.
SIP Jig Borers MP-4B, MP-5B and MP-5G Manual
SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer MP-4B, MP-5B and MP-5G: Detailed Technical Manual, Maintenance, Use of Accessories and a copy of the detailed Sales and Technicaliled Catalogue for the MP-4B, MP-5B and MP-6
SIP MP-4G Manual
SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer MP-4G: Detailed Technical Manual, Maintenance, Sectional Parts Drawings, Electrical Diagram and Use of Accessories.
SIP MP-2H Manual
SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer MP-2H: Detailed Technical Manual, Installation, Maintenance, Lubrication, Use of Accessories and an Electrical Diagram. Includes some useful sectional drawings.
SIP MP-3K (MP3K) Operator's Manual
SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer MP-3K: Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual together with the separate "Preliminary Instructions" Booklet - available in English or German. Many Useful illustrations. This is the later, fuller edition.
SIP MP-3K (MP3K) Service (Maintenance) Manual
SIP (Society Genevoise) MP-3K SERVICE MANUAL with Sectional Drawings together with an electrical schematic. Two editions were produced, early and late - this publication includes all the pages that were different from each volume.
SIP MP-3K (MP3K) Electrical Instructions Booklet
SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer MP-3K: Separate Electrical Instruction Booklet (in English or German).
SIP MP-5E Data Pack Manual
SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer MP-5E. A complete Data pack consisting of:
BREDA Radial-arm Drills Series MS and MP catalogue
BREDA Radial-arm Drills Series MS and MP - all sizes. Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue. 12 pages.
WICKES MP Pin Lathe: Manual
WICKES MP Pin Lathe: Installation, Operation and Maintenance and Fault-finding Manual with a Special Booklet "Oiling Data for Wickes Lathes" Incsluded a manual for the Fawick Type VC Clutches.