FLOTT Drills Catalogue collection - older to newer.TB-6 high-speed miniature (2 pages); SB23 V-belt drive Mk.1 and Mk.2 (4 pages);
SB23St variable-speed drive (2 pages); full range catalogue (16 pages) showing the types: SB32STV and SB32V,
SB32ST and SB32,SB25STV and SB25V, SB25ST and SB25, SB23L, TB23L, TBZ23L, SB16ST, TB16ST, TBZ16ST, SB16, TB16 TBZ16,
15ST, SB15, TB15, TBZ15, 15G, SB15GL, TB15GL, TBZ15GL, TB6S, TBZ6S, SBM3ST, TB3ST,TBM3ST, SBM3, TBM3,
TB13ST(E) Electronic, SBM2, TBM2, SBM2ST, TBM2ST, TB210 and TB10ST (24 pages in total) £38
Model: SB15
This page displays all the content on the website associated with the 'SB15' model. Numeric models include all prefixes, such as 'Number', 'Mark', 'Size' etc.
Manuals for Model: SB15
Print code: F48