Myford Super 7 Lathe: Complete Data Pack
Myford Super 7 Lathe and version branded for sales in the USA as the Allied AMCO 7" x 30" G " and various Taiwanese and Indian coplies (WEY Yii, Whitecolt, Mi-Bo,Tiger Turn, My Turn, Prakish, Tafenglong, Warco , etc). A complete Data Pack containing all significant publications issued by the maker and covering every version of the lathe.
- Operators Manual
- Maintenance Manual
- Parts Manual
- Electrical Diagrams
- Catalog
- Other
Myford Mini-Kop Mk.1 Manual
Myford Mini-Kop Mk.1 - the very first type based closely on the ordinary Super 7 lathe, even to the use of a screwcutting gearbox. detailed Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manual. Read all about Min-Kop lathes here