Myford Super 7 Lathe: Complete Data Pack
Myford Super 7 Lathe and version branded for sales in the USA as the Allied AMCO 7" x 30" G " and various Taiwanese and Indian coplies (WEY Yii, Whitecolt, Mi-Bo,Tiger Turn, My Turn, Prakish, Tafenglong, Warco , etc). A complete Data Pack containing all significant publications issued by the maker and covering every version of the lathe.
- Operators Manual
- Maintenance Manual
- Parts Manual
- Electrical Diagrams
- Catalog
- Other
Myford VM-C Milling Machine Manual
MYFORD VM-C Milling Machine (Myford VMC) also badged Warco (all were made in Taiwan and sold with various badging). A collection of all known literature including the manual for the VM-C and the similar types AM, VO-A1, and A1. Operator's Instructions with Parts as Sectional drawings.
TAIWANESE Generic Horizontal metal-cutting bandsaw
TAIWANESE Generic Horizontal metal-cutting bandsaw. Branded by many importers as the RF, Warco, Whitecoat, Ajax, Naerok, etc. Operation and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.
MYFORD VM-E and Warco KF-A2F Milling Machine. Manual
MYFORD VM-E Milling Machine (Myford VME). Slender but useful Operator's Instruction with Parts as Sectional drawings. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue and price lists.
Taiwanese "Generic" Belt-driven Headstock Lathe, Warco, etc. Manual
TAIWANESE belt-drive headstock lathes: A 2-Edition Manual for Taiwanese lathes - the most popular and common medium-sized model offered during the last 45 years being sold with a bewildering variety of names including: AB, Brazier's TY110, The Bramley, Busy-Bee, Carolina, Grizzly DF-1224G, Dashin P4, Elpha DF-1224G, Elpha YP-900, Enco, Everest, Forbes Glen, Hafco AL350A, Honden
- Lantaine
- Warco
- WEY Yii
- A-1
- Braziers
- Carolina
- Grizzly
- Enco
- Glen
- Honden
- Visa
- Husky
- Kin Shin
- Manhattan
- Mascot SS-23
- McMillan
- Peerless
- Stebbins
- Lux-Cut
- Everest
- AB
- Select
- SEMCO (Southern Engineering & Machinery Co.)
- EV23
- Bramley
- Busy Bee
- Elpha
- Forbes Glen
- Hafco
- Honden Visa
- Himount
- Huvema
- Jet
- Leopard
- Lin Huan
- Mikron
- MS
- Romac
- Dashin
- Lylak
- Operators Manual
- Maintenance Manual
- Parts Manual
- Electrical Diagrams
- Other
Taiwanese "Generic" bench milling-drilling machine - Operation and Parts Manual
Taiwanese Mill Drills badged as Naerok, Warco, Nu-Tools, Sealey, Whitecote, Excel, Draper and Ajax, etc. . Covers the Types FR-30, RDM-400/500M/500MF, "Minor", "Major" and similar variants. A double-edition manual that will help with all versions.
Taiwanese Mill Drills badged as Naerok, Warco, Nu-Tools, Sealey, Whitecote, Excel, Draper and Ajax, etc. .
Taiwanese Mill Drills badged as Naerok, Warco, Nu-Tools, Sealey, Whitecote, Excel, Draper and Ajax, etc. . Although not machine-specific in content, it covers the the "Minor", "Major" and similar variants and, being a double-edition manual, it should help with most versions.
Warco "Major", "Minor" and "Economy" Millers Manual
Warco Taiwanese Mill Drills also badged as Warco, Nu-Tools, Sealey, Whitecote, Excel, Draper and Ajax, etc. . Covers the Types FR-30, RDM-400/500M/500MF, "Minor", "Major" and similar variants. A double-edition manual that will help with all versions.
Warco & Mashstroy C210, C210T Lathe. Manual
Warco 210 Lathe. Operation Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual as full Sectional Drawings and a reproduction of the screwcutting charts. Covers the Models C210T, C210 and other variants of the same lathe.
Warco 1420BH Manual
Warco 1420BH Lathe: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.
Warco 220 Manual
Warco 220 Lathe. Operator's Manual with Electrical Diagrams.
Warco FV320T Milling Machine Manual
MW246H WARCO FV320T - a direct copy of the Emco FB2 (and MENTOR) Vertical Milling Machine. This manual is for the Emco and includes Combined Operator's' Instruction Manual and Parts Manuals shown as useful Exploded-component Diagrams. Includes details of both the later 6-speed and earlier 4-speed versions together with a factory issue 14-page "Electrical System" bulletin for the late FB2.
Warco Millers AM, VO-A1, A1S and A1 Manual
Warco AM, VO-A1, A1S and A1 Turret Miller: Operation Manual. Basic but with Sectional Drawings. Identical to a range of other Taiwanese and Chinese millers usually labelled "A1S" somewhere in their name.
Warco Turret Miller ALH4 Manual
Warco ALH4 Turret Milling Machine: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.
Warco, Pinnacle, Intercity, Chester, Naerok CT-918 (Emco Compact 8) Lathe Manual
Warco CT-918 lathe (a developed copy of the Emco Compact 8 with a screwcutting gearbox). Full Manual and Exploded Components Manual. Also applies to other Taiwanese and Chinese lathes sold under the "918" label including those badged "Pinnacle", "Intercity", "Chester" and ""Naerok".
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