Model: SV18R

This page displays all the content on the website associated with the 'SV18R' model. Numeric models include all prefixes, such as 'Number', 'Mark', 'Size' etc.

Manuals for Model: SV18R

Print code: MM290D

MAS, TOS MATOS & Zbrojovka SV18R Lathe: Operating and Maintenance Manual. 

Print code: MM290E

MAS SV18R Lathe. Parts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings. Contains an Electrical Schematic. Also badged: MAS, TOS, MATOS and Zbrojovka

Print code: MS844

"SV18R" Lathe (made by Zbrojovka and also badged TOS & Matos). Operating and Maintenance Manual. Includes a detailed 12-page sales & Specification Catalogue.

Print code: MS844A

"SV18R" Lathe (made by Zbrojovka and also badged TOS and Matos). Parts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings. Contains an Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MT200D

TOS SV18R and SV18R Lathe (early model with "rounded" styling) Operating and Maintenance Manual. Includes a detailed 12-page Sales & Specification Catalogue. Also badged as the MAS, TOS, MATOS and Zbrojovka

Print code: MT200DP

TOS (also badged as MAS,  Matos and Zbrojovka), SV18 and SV18R Lathe (early model with "rounded" styling. Parts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings. Contains an Electrical Schematic and clear reproductions of all the screwcutting charts and one showing the list of spindle speeds and the relationship to cutting speeds.