Emco Umimat 3 Drive belts

After some difficulty obtaining reliable and correctly-made supplies of Emco Unimat belts we have decided to offer instead the special Swiss-made drive belt we sell for light industrial applications. It's widely used on all sorts of drives and we now sell lots for watch and clockmaker's lathes - and of course various kinds of Unimat. It's long-lasting and very reliable.

Toyo, Proxxon, Record ML360 Drive Belts

Unfortunately, these belts are now very difficult to obtain with minimum orders and expensive with post from the EU.  As an alternative, I suggest using a 1.1 metre length of 7 mm Polycord round belting. It's a special Swiss-made machine-tool drive type and very effective and can be joined into the lengths needed for a Toyo ML360. It can be ordered here with full joining instructions provided..


Kerry Super 8 & Drillmaster V-belt

Kerry "Super 8" & "Drillmaster" drive belt. UK or EU-made high-quality, machine-tool grade belt with an invisible joint that, unlike the cheap imports, does not bump as it goes around the pulleys and so ensures the smoothest possible drive. This is the correct fitting for both the Mk1 and Mk.2 Kerry Super 8 models and all versions of the "Drillmaster". Details of Kerry drills here


Boxford VSL Boxford Lathe Vari-speed belt

Boxford VSL Boxford Lathe Vari-speed belt. Unfortunately, the exact belt is no longer available but one close can be supplied. In order to obtain the whole speed range, this will need 1/4" (6mm) packing piece between cross-shaft and hangers to increase the distance to the motor. However, this is not essential as only a little of the slowest speed will be lost if the belt is fitted "as-is". Sent insured by Royal Mail Special Delivery.



Kondia FV-1 Turret Milling Machine Timing Belt.

Kondia FV-1 Turret Milling Machine Timing Belt. The dimensions are as follows: Length about 592 mm;  width 28.7 mm (this might be slightly less than the belt fitted by the makers); number of teeth 42 (the tooth form is slanted with a top width of about 4 mm) tooth pitch about 13.7 mm. 
Later models of the FV-1 might have had a tooth form that was "half-round". If yours is like that, please phone 01298-871633 or email tony@lathes.co.uk for details.

Raglan Little John Lathe Drive Belt

The correct variable-speed drive belt for the Little John Mk.1 and Mk.2 Models. These belts are high-quality, industrial-grade belts made in Europe.   An installation tip: The manual suggests swivelling the layshaft housing about bolt 'D'. However, a better solution is to remove the grub screw (at the rear) securing the shaft to the housing; the housing can then be slid off the layshaft allowing it to move further, thus giving enough clearance to remove & refit the belt.

Raglan "5-inch" Lathe Variable-speed Drive Belt

The correct variable-speed drive belt for the Raglan "5-inch Lathe" These belts are high-quality, industrial-grade belts made in Europe. installation tip: The manual suggests swivelling the layshaft housing about bolt 'D'. However, a better solution is to remove the grub screw (at the rear) securing the shaft to the housing; the housing can then be slid off the layshaft allowing it to move further, thus giving enough clearance to remove & refit the belt.

Unimat SL1000 and DB200 Drive Belts

After some difficulty obtaining reliable and correctly-made supplies of belts for Emco Unimat SL1000 (DB200 in the USA) we have decided to offer instead the special Swiss-made drive belt we sell for light industrial applications. It's widely used on all sorts of drives and we now sell lots for watch and clockmaker's lathes - and of course various kinds of Unimat. It's long-lasting and very reliable.

Alligator Belt Lacing - Genuine American-made

Alligator Belt Lacing - the Genuine American-made product not the inferior copy made in China. A length of clip is hammered in at each end of the belt and joined with two sections of the special oval pin supplied - these being designed to work back-to-back. Alternatively, a length of nylon or red-fibre rod can be used. A detailed instruction sheet is supplied with each clip. "Alligator clips" are made in various sizes but five cover most belts in common use.

Toyo ML210 lathe drive belts

As the lengths of the round drive belts on this appear to have varied we supply 1.2 metres of 5 mm diameter Polycord for you to make up your own. The belts are joined by melting the ends together - simple step-my-step instructions are included.