
South Bend: "How to Run a Lathe". Detailed 128-page general instructions for a wide range of South Bend lathes. This is a very high-quality reproduction of the last high-quality, superbly printed "gloss-paper" editions (after which the reproduction was markedly inferior). Superb photographs and drawings. Includes a copy of the separate Bulletin set - an extra 84 pages: "The Installation and Leveling of a Lathe"; "Keeping Your Lathe in Trim"; "Keeping Your Lathe Clean" and "Oiling the Lathe". For the best possible reproduction and easier reading, this has been enlarged to twice its original size. It's a high-resolution scan printed at 1200 d.p.i. onto a heavy, semi-gloss 120g paper with each side carrying just one of the original sheets. It's a large and heavy publication. For a standard edition printed at two pages per side in its original size see:

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