STANDARD MODERN 10-inch - 11-inch manual
STANDARD MODERN 10-inch Lathe. We don't have the specific manual but the "10-inch" is very similar to the Series 2000 11" model (the 10" measurement is conservative) with the main difference appearing to be that the headstock and tailstock are rounded rather than angular in appearance - and generally less "modern" looking.
Atlas 10-inch lathe screwcutting charts
The first manual for the original 10-inch Atlas did not include the screwcutting data - but later editions did, the makers including card inserts to allow the chapter to be included later. To make up for this I can supply the extensive thread-cutting instructions and dedicated charts from what was known as the 61-page "Supplementary Screwcutting Instruction Booklet".
Landis Type C Grinder Manual
Landis Type C 6", 10" & 14" Plain (cylindrical) Grinders. Operator's Instruction Manual.
Velox Hacksaws 7.5", 10" and 12" Manual
Velox (Elliott and Gates) Hacksawing Machines 7.5", 10" and 12". Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings. Includes 4 copies of the maker's Sales & Technical Specification catalogues.
Wadkin-Bursgreen AGS 10" Manual
Wadkin-Bursgreen AGS 10" Tilting Arbor Sawbench. Instruction Manual and Spares as Exploded Component Drawings with Electrical Diagram.
Wadkin AGS 10" Manual
Sheldon Lathes - Early Models Data Pack: late 1930s to 1940s
Unfortunately a proper handbook was never produced for early flat-belt drive Sheldon lathes with 9-inch, 10-inch and 11-inch swings - but we can offer a complete Data Pack that gives all the information known about this model (Pictures of this type here: It consists of: - "Care
Sheldon L and XL 10-inch Lathe (1940s - 50s) Single-tumber Crewcutting Gearbox Lathe. Data Pack
Sheldon 10-inch L and XL (and many variants) later-type model, most on an underdrive stand but sometimes found as a bench-mounted type with a rear-mounted countershaft and the word "Sheldon" in large letters on the right-hand face of the headstock belt-drive cover. V-belt transmission a screwcutting gearbox with a single selector lever on the front face as sold from the late 19
Sheldon L and XL Lathe with Twin-tumbler Gearbox (1950s - 1970s) Manual
Sheldon 10-inch L and XL later-type model with Underdrive Stand , V-belt transmission and a two-lever screwcutting gearbox as sold 1950s to 1970s under various designations. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.
South Bend 9-inch, 10-inch 10K and various clones Lathe Manual
SOUTH BEND 9-inch and 10-inch "10K" lathes and also useful with clones such as the Ace, Blomqvist, Hercus, Joinville, Moody, Purcell, Sanches Blanes, Sheraton, Storebro, UFP, Boffelli & Finazzi, Demco, NSTC, Select (Lin Huan) and Parkanson. SOUTH BEND 9-inch and 10-inch "10K" lathes and also useful with clones such as the Ace, Blomqvist, Hercus, Joinville, Moody, Purcell, S
South Bend Lathes: Heavy 10 and 10-inch, 13-inch, 16-inch and 24-inch. Manual
South Bend 'Heavy 10' and the 13", 141/2" and 16" to 24" Lathes: Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual. This version contains the highly-detailed and useful headstock bearing and backgear adjustment instructions. Also includes - as most buyers are interested in the 'Heavy 10', a total of 28 pages of catalog extracts covering this popular model.
Sphere (Halifax, Acorn and Atlas) 10-inch and 12-inch Operation & Maintenance Manual
Sphere (Atlas) 10-inch LATHE: A complete data pack of information (including all-known literature) that covers all models, from the first to last. It includes: 1) A comprehensive Owner's Manual with over 248 pages that contains detailed operating instructions for the lathe and its accessories together with maintenance and lubrication instructions - it's probably the best instru
Wicksteed Hacksaws - Complete Data Pack
Wicksteed Hacksaws: Due to the difficulty of identifying exact models all the literature for these machines had been combined in one publication. It comprises: "Econocut" Hacksaw: Operator's Instruction Manual and Parts as Sectional Drawings + Wicksteed Saws 6", 8", 10", 12", 14" and 16" + a Combined Manual and Parts List (with some Sectional Drawings) for the "Hydromatic" (inc
- Operators Manual
- Parts Manual
Sebastian Bench Lathes 10" & 12" Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue circa 1940
Sebastian Bench Lathes 10" & 12" with both Geared Headstock and Cone Headstock Drives. Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue circa 1940. 4 pages
For other Sebastian literature see:
SHELDON L and XL Twin-tumbler Gearbox Lathe: Data Pack
SHELDON 10-inch L and XL later-type most on an underdrive stand but sometimes found as a bench-mounted type with a rear-mounted countershaft and the word "Sheldon" in large letters on the right-hand face of the headstock belt-drive cover. V-belt transmission a screwcutting gearbox with TWO SELECTOR LEVERS on the front face of the screenwriting gearbox as sold from the late 1940
Atlas 10" & Craftsman 12" Lathes Pre 1957 Operation, Maintainance & Parts Manual
Atlas 10-inch Lathe (and Craftsman 12-inch lathes) pre-1957: While the lathe remained basically the same for many years, with identical major components, various specifications were available with Model Numbers that included, over the years: 10-F, 10-D, TA36, TA42, TA48, TA54, TH36, TH42, TH48, TH54, TV36, TV42, TV48, TV54, H36, H42, H48, H54, V36, V42, V48, V54, QC42, QC54, et
ATLAS Lathes Accessories. Instructions Set
ATLAS Lathes Accessories. A set of separate sheets originally published separately covering the:
1) Taper-turning Attachment (No. 6822) Mounting and Operating Manual and Parts Illustrations.
2) Follower Rest (Travelling Steady)Mounting and Operating Manual and Parts Illustrations.
Atlas Pick-o-Matic Screwcutting manual
Atlas Lathe "Pick-o-matic" Screwcutting Attalchment. 79-page Manual for the 10-inch F and D type Lathe. Complete Installation and Operator's Instruction Manual with extensive charts giving threads and feed rates for every possible combination of gears and including threads not listed on the lathe. Exploded components diagrams.
Halifax (Acorn, Sphere, Atlas) 10-inch Operation & Maintenance Manual
Halifax (Sphere, Acorn, Atlas) 10-inch lathe:
A complete data pack of information (including all-known literature) that covers all models, from the first to last. It includes:
Logan early 10-inch Lathe. Parts Manual and Detailed Catalog
LOGAN (USA) Lathes and Accessories: Two interesting, very early (1943) Parts Manuals and a Catalogue with complete details of the first 10-inch lathe in bench, stand and turret form.
C37 Champion Blower Forge Lathes Catalog
Champion Blower Forge Lathes. Sales sheets for the 9-inch, 10-inch, 13-inch and 16-inch models from the 1920s. 4 pages.
Dale10-inch Lathe. Catalog
DALE Lathe. A 10-inch centre height machine of unknown origin. 4-page Sales & Technical Specifcation Catalogue.
Mondiale Simplex 10-inch Lathe Catalogue
SIMPLEX (by Mondiale, the Netherlands) 10-inch lathe. Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue. 8 pages.
Mitchell earlier 10.5 & 12.5-inch all-geared-head lathes. Catalogue
Mitchell earlier 10.5 & 12.5-inch all-geared-head lathes. Sales & Specification Catalogue. 2 pages