South Bend: "How to Run a Lathe" - the Best-ever Edition

South Bend: "How to Run a Lathe". Detailed  (2-pages per side) general instructions for a wide range of South Bend lathes. This is a very high-quality reproduction of the last high-quality, superbly printed "gloss-paper" editions (after which the reproduction was markedly inferior). Superb photographs and drawings.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Technical Drawings
South Bend: full-size, full-range Models and Accessories Catalogue January, 1967

South Bend: Full-size, Full-range, late-model  Catalogue 1966 showing the: geared-head Type 17-inch Turn-nado, 16-inch Toolroom, 16-24-inch Large Swing, 14.5-inch Toolroom, 13-inch Toolroom, 10-inch cabinet types, 10-K bench-mount Precision,9-inch Precision, 16, 13 and 10-inch Turret, Lathe Accessories, Vertical Milling Machine and Accessories, 7-inch Shaper and Accessorie

  • Catalog