Stanley MS13 Lathe: Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.
Manuals and Catalogues
Stanley MS18 Lathe, Instruction Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual. Sectional Drawings and general-assembly diagrams.
Stanley: Spare Parts Manual for the 8.5-inch lathe with useful Sectional Drawings.
Stanley HS and LS Lathes: Instruction and (basic) Maintenance Manual with Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.
Stanley L21 Lathe (10.5-inch centre height) - older style model with three levers on top of the headstock. Includes data for the 7", 8.5", 10.5", 12.5" and 14" lathes. Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.
STANLEY Lathes: a collection of catalogues covering most of the models made: Older Models 8 pages. Stanley HS-7 large spindle bore lathe 4 pages. Stanley HS-13 Large spindle bore 6 pages. STANLEY 7 lathes 12 pages. STANLEY 10 Lathe 8 pages. STANLEY Hollow Spindle Lathes Models HS, HSP and HM. Spindle bore from 7" to 14". STANLEY Lathes HS7, HS10, HS13 11 pages. STANLEY Lathes 12.5" and 14.5" 8 pages. STANLEY SLIDING BED LATHES 10.5", 12.5" and14.5" - two catalogues early and late 25 pages and STANLEY Lathe Accessories. 86 pages in all. £65
STANLEY Sliding-Bed Lathes Catalogues. Covers the late-type models with three circular handwheels
arranged in a line across the top of the headstock's front face. 8 pages with a further 8 pages formed
from sections of a large publicity sheet.