Norton Type 10" CTU, 14" LCTU, 10" CTU-HD and 14" LCTU-HD Cylindrical Grinders (Distributed by Warner & Swasey) Instruction, Adjustment and Lubrication Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component diagrams.
Warner and Swasey
Manuals and Catalogues
Warner and Swasey 2-Axis NC Controlled Turning Machines Models: M5000, M5020, M5060, M5090 (1-SC Series) Numerically Controlled Lathe. Comprehensive 173 page Service Manual. Includes Operating Manual for Punch tape reader.
Warner and Swasey No. 1 and 2 Electric and No. 2 "All-geared" Head Turret Lathes: Comprehensive Service Manual - Installation, Maintenance and Repair Parts Manual. (Model M-1360).
Warner and Swasey No. 1 "Universal" Ram Type Turret Lathe: Service Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual with detailed Assembly Diagrams.
Warner and Swasey 1AC Single Spindle Chucking Automatic: Operator's Instruction Manual.
Warner and Swasey No. 1A, 2A, 3A and 4A Turret Lathes Service Manual with Installation and Maintenance Instructions.
Warner and Swasey 2A Turret Lathe. Dedicated Model Service Manual with Maintenance Instructions and Repair Parts as Annotated Sectional drawings.
Warner and Swasey No. 1AC Single-spindle Chucking Automatic: Service Manual and part-exploded, part-Sectional Parts Manual and detailed Assembly Diagrams.
Warner and Swasey No. 2AC Single-spindle Chucking Automatic: Operator's Instruction Book (also applies to the 3AC).
Warner and Swasey No. 2AC Single-spindle Chucking Automatic: Service Manual and Exploded-diagrams Parts Manual with detailed Assembly Diagrams.
Warner and Swasey No. 3AC Single-spindle Chucking Automatic: Service Manual and Exploded-diagrams Parts Manual with detailed Assembly Diagrams.
Warner and Swasey No. 4AC Single-spindle Chucking Automatic: Service Manual and Exploded-diagrams Parts Manual with detailed Assembly Diagrams.
Warner and Swasey Pre-Setting Instruction Book for 1AC and 2CA machines. detailed descriptions of how to set tooling for maximum efficiency and production.
Warner and Swasey Pre-Setting Instruction Book for 1AC and 2CA machines. detailed descriptions of how to set tooling for maximum efficiency and production.
Warner and Swasey 3A Turret Lathe Model M-3500: Installation, Alignment, Adjustment, Operation and Spares as Detailed Exploded Component Drawings.
Warner and Swasey No. 4A Universal Turret Lathe. Service Manual. Plus superb Sectional Drawings of the entire machine.
Warner and Swasey: A company History 1880 - 1930.
Warner and Swasey No. 3, 4 and 5 "Universal Ram Type" Turret Lathe: Service Manual and Fold-out Sectional Drawings Parts Manual with detailed Assembly Diagrams.
Warner and Swasey Turret Lathes Tools: A comprehensive 200-page Booklet illustrating the full range of tooling, accessories, chucks, lathe data sheets, etc, etc, appropriate for W and S lathes.
Warner and Swasey Universal 315 CNC Lathe. Operating Instructions for machines with Siemens 6TB Controls.
Warner and Swasey No. 1 "Electric" Ram Type Turret Lathe: Service Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual with detailed Assembly Diagrams.