EMI-MEC Auto-sprint Lathe (circa 1968/70): Operating Manual and Programming Guide.
Model: Auto-Sprint
This page displays all the content on the website associated with the 'Auto-Sprint' model. Numeric models include all prefixes, such as 'Number', 'Mark', 'Size' etc.
Manuals for Model: Auto-Sprint
EMI-MEC Auto-Sprint S Lathe: Detailed Operating & Service Manual with programming examples.
EMI-MEC Auto-Sprint S Lathe: "Service Notes for Faults" Manual.
EMI-MEC Auto-Sprint S Lathe Instructions for the bar-feed and Vertical Slide Units with 5 drawings.
EMI-MEC Auto-Sprint S Lathe: A complete set of 11 large electrical and 4 Pneumatic schematics.
EMI-MEC Auto-Sprint S Lathe Setters Course.
EMI-MEC Auto-Sprint S Lathe Setters Programming Course.
EMI-MEC Series E Auto-Sprint Lathe. Service Manual.
EMI-MEC Series E Auto-Sprint Lathe. Spares Manual.