Model: Mk.3

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Manuals for Model: Mk.3

Print code: MK450

KERRY Mk.1, Mk.2 and Mk.3 (Type "AG", "AC", "GC" ) Lathes and other variations: A complete data pack with every known publication including the Instruction and Maintenance Manual, two separate Parts Manuals - one for the screwed-nose spindle the other for the L00 fittings (these are in the form of useful sectional drawings that have been enlarged for clarity). Copies of the frequently worn and illegible screwcutting charts - and copies of both early and late Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogues.

Print code: MM538B

Myford Mini-Kop Mk. 3 and 3A  - identified by its flat-fronted cabinet with a control box on the right-hand side:  Detailed Instruction Manual, Workshop Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings. Read all about Min-Kop lathes here

Print code: MN311F3

Newall Jig Borer Model 2443 Mk. 3 Operating and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings, and a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue.