OLDAK Drills Sales & Specifcation catalogues
OLDAK Miniature High-speed drills. Two Sales & Specification Catalogues covering the Mk.1, Mk.2, Model S and Model ED. 8 pages.
EMPIRE Lathe 6-inch (by B. Elliott). Sales Catalogue
EMPIRE Lathe 6-inch (by B. Elliott). Sales Catalogue. 4 pages (Mk.1 & Mk.2 versions)
Kerry Type "AG", "AC", "GC" Lathes. A complete Data Pack with Operation, Maintenance, Parts Manuals & Catalogues
KERRY Mk.1, Mk.2 and Mk.3 (Type "AG", "AC", "GC" ) Lathes and other variations: A complete data pack with every known publication including the Instruction and Maintenance Manual, two separate Parts Manuals - one for the screwed-nose spindle the other for the L00 fittings (these are in the form of useful sectional drawings that have been enlarged for clarity).
LeBlond "Dual Drive" Lathe Mk. 2 Manual
LeBlond "Dual Drive" Mk.2 Instruction and Illustrated Parts Manual as detailed Cross-Sectional Drawings. A number of the smaller parts illustrations have been scanned at very high resolution and enlarged to full-page size.
BCA (and Leinen) Jig Borer Mk.1, Mk. 2 and Mk. 3. Manual & Catalog Set
BCA Miniature Jig Borer/Jig Driller. Small Operation & Maintenance Manual together with a complete data pack consisting of three UK Sales and Technical Specification Catalogues for the Mk.2 and Mk.3, a Leinen Model BFL Catalogue (the original machine) and sales sheets for the other earlier UK-made version, the EXCEL Model "0".