Startrite EFI FG Drill Manual
Startrite EFI Drills Types "FG2", FG2/A, FG2AT standard and the FGR and FGR/T articulated-arm versions. This machine was also marketed in the USA as the Delta-Rockwell 70-130-T2 and 70-100-T3. Operating and Maintenance Manuals covering both types, each with electrical diagrams and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. English and German Text.
STARTRITE Geared-head Drilling Machines. A Complete Catalogue Collection
S720C STARTRITE Geared-head Drilling Machines. A Complete Catalogue collection
showing the: early-model EFI 1.25"( 4 pages), late-model EFI Series FC and FG (5 pages),
EFI Drills Types FG2 and FGR (4 pages), EFI Type FGR-T (6 pages), EFI Type FB4 (4 pages),
EFE Type FE (2 pages). 25 pages in total
EFI FG (Startrite) Drill Manual
Startrite EFI Drills Types "FG2", FG2/A, FG2AT standard and the FGR and FGR/T articulated-arm versions. This machine was also marketed in the USA as the Delta-Rockwell 70-130--T2 and 70-100-T3. Operating and Maintenance Manuals covering both types, each with electrical diagrams and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. English and German Text.