Delta Rockwell 10-inch Lathe Manual
Delta Rockwell 10-inch Lathe (Rockwell) Instruction Book, Maintenance Manual and Exploded Parts Diagrams. Includes pictures of the frequently-damaged screwcutting and lubrication charts, a number of useful and well-illustrated dismantling procedures and a copy of the Maker's Sales & Specification and Accessories Catalog.
Delta Rockwell 11-inch Lathe Manual
Delta Rockwell 11-inch Lathe (Rockwell) Instruction Book, Maintenance Manual and Exploded Parts Diagrams. Includes copies of the Maker's Sales, Specification and Accessories Catalog and the Screwcutting & Feeds Chart.
Delta Rockwell 14-inch Lathe Complete Data Pack
Delta Rockwell 14-inch Lathe (Rockwell) Instruction Book, Maintenance and Repairs Manual, Exploded Parts Diagrams, a copy of the screwcutting chart and a 14-page Maker's Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalog. Included is a set of the rare "Special Attachment" Booklets that were not printed in the Standard Manual the documents including:
Delta Rockwell Ammco Shaper Manual
Ammco Shaper (by Delta Rockwell): Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and a copy of the comprehensive Sales and Specification Catalog. Two editions of the manuals are included, one with Exploded Component Parts Drawings and the other with sectional and cut-away drawings.
Delta Rockwell Milling Machines Manual & Catalogs
Delta Rockwell Millers: Vertical, Horizontal and the Horizontal with a Vertical Head. Combined Manual for the Models 21-100 Horizontal, 21-120 vertical and 21-122 Combination Horizontal and Vertical. Also covers the 52-020 and 21-820 versions - but not the latter's variable-speed table-drive system.
Delta Rockwell Special Attachments Manual
Delta Rockwell 14-inch lathe - "Special Attachments" Section on its own
Rockwell 70-150 Manual
Rockwell Drill Series 70-150 Geared-head Radial-arm. Detailed, well-illustrated Machine Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional-Drawings. Includes an Electrical Schematic.
Shaper Work - Huge, very detailed, all-models' Instruction Book
SHAPER WORK - Work on the Shaping machine - a complete, highly detailed and well-illustrated 333-page book on how to use and get the best from any shaper. Titled: "For Beginners in Machine Shop Practice" it features a larger machine - but the methods and principles involved apply to all makes and types. This is the very best manual on shaper work ever published.
Startrite EFI FG Drill Manual
Startrite EFI Drills Types "FG2", FG2/A, FG2AT standard and the FGR and FGR/T articulated-arm versions. This machine was also marketed in the USA as the Delta-Rockwell 70-130-T2 and 70-100-T3. Operating and Maintenance Manuals covering both types, each with electrical diagrams and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. English and German Text.