
Manuals and Catalogues

Print code: MB210

Blanchard No.1 Surface Grinder. Operator's Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

Print code: MB210A

Blanchard No.11 Vertical Surface Grinders (covers Models 12 to 17 as well). Comprehensive Operator's Instruction Manual and detailed Sectional-drawings Parts Manual, dismantling instructions and electrical diagrams

Print code: MB210B

Blanchard No. 16 Vertical Surface Grinder. Operator's Instruction Manual.

Print code: MB210C

Blanchard NO. 16-A and 162A18 Vertical Surface Grinders. Comprehensive 95+ page Operator's Instruction Manual and detailed Sectional-diagrams' Parts Manual.

Print code: MB210D

Blanchard No. 18 Vertical Surface Grinder. Comprehensive 120+ page Operator's Instruction Manual and detailed Sectional-diagrams' Parts Manual.

Print code: MB210E

Blanchard NO. 32-48, 36-60, 42-82 Vertical Surface Grinders. Comprehensive 85+ page Operator's Instruction Manual and Parts as Sectional Drawings with Dismantling and Assembly Instructions.