Brown and Sharpe 00G Automatic Screw Machines Repair Parts as Photographic plates.
Brown and Sharpe 00G Automatic Screw Machines Repair Parts as Photographic plates.
Brown and Sharpe 00G and 2G Automatic Screw Machines: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.
Brown and Sharpe 00G and 2G Automatic Screw Machines: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.
Brown and Sharpe 2B Automatic Screw Machine: Illustrated Repair Parts Manual.
Brown and Sharpe 2B Automatic Screw Machine: Illustrated Repair Parts Manual.
Brown and Sharpe 2B Automatic Screw Machine: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.
Brown and Sharpe 2B Automatic Screw Machine: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.
Brown and Sharpe 2B Ultramatic R/S (Ram Slide) Lathe. Repair parts as Exploded Component Drawings.
Brown and Sharpe 2B Ultramatic R/S (Ram Slide) Lathe. Repair parts as Exploded Component Drawings.
Brown and Sharpe AB and Turr-E-Tape AB-1118 and AB-1520 Manual
Brown and Sharpe AB and Turr-E-Tape AB-1118 and AB-1520 Turret Drilling Machines. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with two Parts Manuals as Sectional and Exploded Component Drawings. Includes two small supplementary booklets and a large Electrical Schematic.
Brown and Sharpe Automatic Screw Machines Attachments Parts Manual
Brown and Sharpe Automatic Screw Machines Attachments - Repair Parts Manual
Brown and Sharpe Automatic Screw Machines. Construction and Use Manual - wonderful 333 page book
Brown and Sharpe Automatic Screw Machines. Construction and Use Manual - a wonderful 333-page book written for the operator showing every aspect of how the machines work and to set up and operate these incredibly reliable and robust machines.
Brown and Sharpe Dynamatic "00" Single Spindle Automatic. Replacement Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.
Brown and Sharpe Dynamatic "00" Single Spindle Automatic. Replacement Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.
Brown and Sharpe Dynamatic 0013, 0019 & 00C Single Spindle Automatic. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.
Brown and Sharpe Dynamatic 0013, 0019 & 00C Single Spindle Automatic. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.
Brown and Sharpe Mini-16 Automatic Screw Machine. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.
Brown and Sharpe Mini-16 Automatic Screw Machine. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.
Brown and Sharpe No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 Universal Grinding Machines Manual
Brown and Sharpe No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 Universal Grinding machines: Comprehensive and detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual Including Repair Parts as photographic illustrations.
Brown and Sharpe No. 12 Milling Machine Plain, with 3 hp spindle drive. Construction and Use and Illustrated Repair Parts Manual.
Brown and Sharpe No. 12 Milling Machine Plain, with 3 hp spindle drive. Construction and Use and Illustrated Repair Parts Manual.
Brown and Sharpe No. 12 Milling Machine Plain, with 3 hp spindle drive. Construction and Use and Illustrated Repair Parts Manual.
Brown and Sharpe No. 12 Milling Machine Plain, with 3 hp spindle drive. Construction and Use and Illustrated Repair Parts Manual.
Brown and Sharpe No. 12 Milling Machine Plain, with 71/2 hp spindle drive. Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and repair Parts.
Brown and Sharpe No. 12 Milling Machine Plain, with 71/2 hp spindle drive. Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and repair Parts.
Brown and Sharpe No. 13 & 13H Universal Tool and Grinding Machines: Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.
BROWN and SHARPE No. 13 and 13H Universal and Tool Grinding Machines. Parts Manual as Exploded component Drawings.
Brown and Sharpe No. 13 Universal Tool and Grinding Machine Manual
Brown and Sharpe No. 13 Universal Tool and Grinding Machine: A multi-purpose machine capable of cylindrical, surface and tool and cutter grinding operations. Two editions, one early the other late, of the Comprehensive Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual giving complete coverage of the machine.
Brown and Sharpe No. 2 "Dynapact" Series Single Spindle Automatic. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.
Brown and Sharpe No. 2 "Dynapact" Series Single Spindle Automatic. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.
Brown and Sharpe No. 2 Vertical, No. 2 Universal and No. 2 Plain and Milling Machines. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance including Repair Parts Manual
Brown and Sharpe No. 2 Vertical, No. 2 Universal and No. 2 Plain and Milling Machines. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance including Repair Parts Manual. A useable Manual but not perfect.
Brown and Sharpe No. 2 and 2B Surface Grinding Machines Manual
Brown and Sharpe No. 2 and 2B Surface Grinding Machines (No.2 power feeds, 2B hand -feed model): Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual as annotated photographs. Includes a copy of the maker's detailed and well-illustrated Sales, Technical Specification & Accessories Catalogue.
Brown and Sharpe No. 20 Milling Machine "Rangemaster". Illustrated Parts Manual with Exploded Assembly Diagrams.
Brown and Sharpe No. 20 Milling Machine "Rangemaster". Illustrated Parts Manual with Exploded Assembly Diagrams.
Brown and Sharpe No. 5 Surface Grinding Machine Manual.
Brown and Sharpe No. 5 Surface Grinding Machine: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.
Brown and Sharpe No. 8 Single-spindle Automatic Parts Manual
Brown and Sharpe No. 8 Single Spindle Automatic. Replacement Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.
Brown and Sharpe No.19 Milling Machine Electrically Controlled. Instruction Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual.
Brown and Sharpe No.19 Milling Machine Electrically Controlled. Instruction Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual.
- Operators Manual
- Parts Manual