Herbert No,2 Programauto Service Manual
Herbert "2 Programauto" Lathe: Detailed Maintenance Manual.
Herbert 3A Auto Lathe Mk. 2. Service Manual
Herbert 3A Auto-lathe Mark 2: Service and Maintenance Manual.
Herbert 3A Auto Lathe Mk. 1 and Mk. 2 Parts Manual
Herbert 3A Auto-lathe Mark 1 and 2: Spare Parts Manual as Exploded Component Diagrams.
Herbert 3A Auto Lathe Mk. 2. Operation Manual
Herbert 3A Auto Lathe Mk. 2: Operator's Instruction Manual.
Jones Machine Tools Drawings
Jones Machine Tools (Pootatuck USA) - kit-built from castings.
Larvic Rehabilitation Wood-turning Lathe Manual
Larvic Rehabilitation Wood-turning lathe (treadle-operated). Instruction Book. Two editions are included covering both the Mk.1 and Mk. 2 Machines
LeBlond "Dual Drive" Lathe Mk. 2 Manual
LeBlond "Dual Drive" Mk.2 Instruction and Illustrated Parts Manual as detailed Cross-Sectional Drawings. A number of the smaller parts illustrations have been scanned at very high resolution and enlarged to full-page size.
Milnes (Denham Junior) DF-4 Lathe Manual
Milnes DF-4 lathe. This lathe is actually is a re-badged Denham Junior Mk.2. Operation and Maintenance Manual.
Nickols System for Ward Capstan Lathes. Service & Explanatory Manual
NICKOLS AUTOMATICS. The Nickols System of Automatic for Ward Capstan Lathes. Detailed and well-illustrated Service Manual describing how the system works and is applied to any conventional capstan lathe. Includes electrical and pneumatic Schematics, programming examples and fault finding. (Filed under ward)