EMI Auto Herbert 2D Manual
Nickols Automatics (EMI) Auto Herbert 2D. Detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual for this single-spindle Auto lathe fitted with Nickols (EMI) controls.
Kearney & Trecker Model 2D Rotary Head Milling Machine. A detailed Catalogue.
Kearney & Trecker Model 2D Rotary Head Milling Machine. Not a manual but a detailed Catalogue that explains the working of the machine and how to employ it. 18 pages.
Adcock and Shipley 2 Manual
Adcock and Shipley 2, 2B and 2D Horizontal Milling Machine. Maintenance and Operator's Instruction Manual with fold-out Engineering Drawings of mechanical components and circuit diagrams
EMI-MEC Auto-Herbert 2D Manual
Hepworth Dial-Set Programme Control System Manual
Hepworth Dial-Set Programme Control System for Herbert 2D capstan Lathes. Operator's Manual with Electrical Schematics and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.
Herbert 2D Capstan Lathe Manual Data Pack
Herbert 2D Capstan Lathes: Operator's Instruction Manual and Setting Manuals.
Herbert 2D Spare Parts Manual
Herbert 2D Capstan Lathe: Spare Parts Manual. Detailed Sectional Drawings of the complete machine.
Herbert 2D with Auto-Robot Operator's Manual
Herbert 2D Capstan Lathe with Auto-Robot Control: Operator's Instruction Manual.
Herbert 2D with Auto-Robot Parts Manual
Herbert 2D Capstan Lathe with Auto-Robot Control: Spare Parts Manual as Exploded Component Diagrams.
Herbert 2D with Auto-Robot Electrical Systems Manual
Herbert 2D Capstan Lathe with Auto-Robot Control: Electrical Systems Manual.
Herbert 2D with Auto-Robot Drawings
Herbert 2D Capstan Lathe with Auto-Robot Control: 31 Blueprints with electrical and mechanical layouts.
Herbert 2D Plug-Board Manual
Herbert 2D Plug-Board Auto Lathe: Operator's (comprehensive) Manual.
Kearney and Trecker Model 2D Manual
Kearney and Trecker Model 2D Milling Machines (Rotary Head type): Instruction and Maintenance Manual - later full edition with Appendix for power drive to the knee and revised lubrication instructions.
Kearney and Trecker Model 2D Parts List
Kearney and Trecker Model 2D Milling Machines (rotary head type): Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.