Model: 3NP

This page displays all the content on the website associated with the '3NP' model. Numeric models include all prefixes, such as 'Number', 'Mark', 'Size' etc.

Manuals for Model: 3NP

Print code: MP10C

Parkson No. 3 Series Milling Machines Models: 3V/3, 3V/3A, 3V/3M, 3V/33, 3N/1, 3N/3, 3N/33, 3NP/1, 3NP/3, 3NP/3M, 3NP/3A, 3NP/33, 3NU/1, 3NU/3, 3NU/3A, 3NU/3M, and "Millermatic", etc. Operator's Instruction Manual.

Print code: MP10D

Parkson No. 3 Size Milling Machines Models: 3V/3, 3V/3A, 3V/3M, 3V/33, 3N/1, 3N/3, 3N/33, 3NP/1, 3NP/3, 3NP/3M, 3NP/3A, 3NP/33, 3NU/1, 3NU/3, 3NU/3A, 3NU/3M, and "Millermatic", etc. - Illustrated Parts Manual that covers all Vertical and Horizontal Models with detailed Exploded Assembly Diagrams.

Print code: P10A

PARKSON MILLERS: Early Milling Machine Catalogue showing the first models of the Types: 1NA, 2NU, 3NU, 2NP, 3NP, Adapta, Model N and Accessories: Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue. 16 pages.

Print code: P10B

PARKSON GENERAL CATALOGUE - later moels of Millers, Gear Planers and Testers:1NA, 2NU,
3NU, 2NP, 3NP, Adapta, Model N and Accessories
: Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue. 8 pages.