MONARCH Lathes. Range Catalog 1955 Models

MONARCH Lathes. Range Catalog 1955 Models: 10EE, Speedi-matic, Series
10EE Model 1000, Series 62, Series 61, Series 80, Series 90, Models M, N and
NN, Mona-matics, Hydra Slide, Air-gage Tracer, Monarch Keller, Motor-Trace,
Heavy Duty Roll Turner, Shapemaster Engraver and 60-degree Right-angle lathes.
36 pages.

Adcock and Shipley Miller No. 1 Manual

ADCOCK and  SHIPLEY No. 1 Milling Machine Models A, AA, AB, AD, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, M, N, P, and J with various feed arrangements including LSL, LLL, SSS, G, J, AH and M, etc. (these may appear on the machine plate ) Maintenance and  Operator's Instruction Manual. Includes three versions of the Technical Sales and  Specification Catalogue.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
Huron Millers Catalog - 1950s to 1970s

Huron Milling Machines: Wonderful 158-page Catalogue showing the full range of millers and Accessories as current through the 1950s to 1970s. Models include: "N", "M", "NU", "MU", "MVC", "MVCAO", "MVP", "MVPCNP", "MVPCNC", "MVGVCNP", "MVGVCNC", "MH", "MVR", "MUR", "MUCNP", "MUCNC", "MHCNP", "MHCNC", "MHR", "LR", "2-LUR", "L", "P", "PU", "PUCNP", "PUCNC", "R" and "RU".

  • Catalog