Rivol Lathes. Models 150 and 180; 200RP; 250RL and 300RL; 300RP and 350RP; 400; 500; 500RP; 600RP; 700RP and 800RP. Catalogues
Rivol Lathes. Sales, Technical Specifcation & Accessoris Catalogues set for the Models 150 and 180; 200RP; 250RL and 300RL; 300RP and 350RP; 400; 500; 500RP; 600RP; 700RP and 800RP. All with English, French, German and Italian text.
DoAll 16.5-inch Lathe Manual (Harrision M450 & M500 Clone)
DoAll Lathe marked "16 ½” . This is actually a Harrison M450/500 Operation and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded component Drawings.
Dubied 500 Manual
Dubied Type 517/500 Hydraulic Copying Lathe . Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings. Includes copies of the Technical Sales and Specification and Accessories catalogues.
Erfurt DLZ 500 Manual
Erfurt DLZ 500 Precision Lathe. Operating Manual with fold-out Mechanical and Electrical Schematics.
Hitachi Seiki Minimatic 500 Parts Manual
Hitachi Seiki Minimatic 500 Machining Centre. Parts Manual as useful fold-out Sectional Drawings.