H100B HAUSER All-Models General Catalogue (1986)

HAUSER General catalogue (1986) showing: Jig Grinders Models 50L, 50 and 40, Model 2, Model 3. Jig Borers No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3. CNC Controls Types 111, 314 and 311. Profile projectors H751-111, P750-DR, P750, H601, H560, H300. Workshop measuring microscopes Types H302 and H30. hardness testers 249A Vickers, 292-DR Rockwell and a number of Special machines. 16 pages

  • Catalog
Hauser All-Models Manufacturing Programme Catalogue 1982

HAUSER Manufacturing Programme 1982 Catalogue. Shows:. Jig Grinders 2SO, 2S-DR, S3-DR, S3-111, S3-CNC211, S3-CNC311, S40-111, S40-DR, S40-CNC211, S40-CNC311, S50-DR, S50-111, S50-CNC211, S50-CNC311, S50L-111, S50L-CNC211 S50L-CNC311. Jig Boring Machines Size 1, Size 2, Size 3. Profile Projectors H300, H560, H601, H751-111.