Ward "Crusader" MDI Manual
Ward "Crusader" M.D.I. Lathe (based on the Ward 3DS). Operating Manual.
Anilam Crusader Service Manual with Electrical Diagrams
Anilam "Crusader" Lathe Control Servicing Manual with electrical Schematics.
Anilam Crusader Manual
Anilam "Crusader" Milling Machines CNC Control Operator's Instruction Manual.
Beaver NC5 Programming Manual
Cardiff "Senior" & "Crusader" Lathes Data Pack
Cardiff "Senior" 8.5-inch and "Crusader" 10.5-inch lathes. Data Pack with the Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual, a Parts Manual, enlarged and clear copies of the frequently damaged or missing screwcutting charts and a copy of the maker's Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue.