Weisser Heilbronn Senior Manual
Weisser Heilbronn "Senior" Lathe. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes reproductions of the screwcutting and feeds charts.
- Operators Manual
- Maintenance Manual
- Parts Manual
- Electrical Diagrams
Herbert No. 4 Senior Manual
Herbert No. 4 Senior (and 4SE) Capstan Lathes with Dial-Change Headstock (identifiable by a 4-lever rotary speed control): Operator's Instruction Manual.
Cardiff "Senior" & "Crusader" Lathes Data Pack
Cardiff "Senior" 8.5-inch and "Crusader" 10.5-inch lathes. Data Pack with the Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual, a Parts Manual, enlarged and clear copies of the frequently damaged or missing screwcutting charts and a copy of the maker's Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue.
Granville Lathes Catalogue
Granville Lathes: no manual was ever issued (but see below) but reproductions od the complete set of known Catalogues for this make is available and consist of: "Star" Sales, Specification & Accessories: "Senior" 3.5" and 4" Models - two Sales, Specification & Accessories publications: 12 pages.
Herbert 2 Senior Monoslide Operation Manual
HERBERT 2 SENIOR MONOSLIDE LATHE: Operator's Instruction Manual with a copy of the maker's Sales, Accessories & Technical Specification Catalogue.
Herbert 4 Senior Lathe "Dial-change" Type. Parts Manual
Herbert 4 Senior Capstan (and Monoslide Lathe) with Dial-Change Headstock -identifiable by a 4-spoke, capstan-style wheel on the face of the headstock : Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.
Herbert 4 Senior Lathe "Dial-change" Type. Manual
Herbert 4 Senior Capstan Lathe with Dial-change Headstock - identifiable by a 4-spoke, capstan-style wheel on the face of the headstock. Two editions of the Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and Dismantling Manual.
Herbert 4 Senior Preoptive Monoslide. Operation and Maintenance Instructions
Herbert No. 4 Senior Preoptive Monoslide Lathe: Operation Manual with Maintenance Instructions.
Herbert 4 Senior Preoptive Capstan Parts Manual
Herbert No. 4 Senior Preoptive Capstan Lathe: Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings (full 180-page edition). Includes a copy of the maker's detailed 12-page Sales, Technical Specification & Accessories Catalogue.
Herbert 5 Senior Preoptive Capstan Manual
Herbert 5 Senior Preoptive Capstan Lathes. Operating, Maintenance and Setting Manual (last edition with fuller detail).
Herbert 5 Senior Preoptive Monoslide Manual
Herbert 5 Senior Preoptive Monoslide Lathes. Operating, Maintenance and Setting Manual (last edition with fuller detail).
Herbert 5 Senior Preoptive Parts Manual
Herbert 5 Senior Preoptive Capstan and 5 Senior Preoptive Monoslide lathes. Spare Parts Manual as clear and detailed Exploded Component Drawings (this is the last edition with fuller details).
Herbert 5 and 54 Senior Monoslide Parts Manual
Herbert "5" and "54" Senior Monoslide Lathes: Spares Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.
Herbert Drills Types C, V and M Operator's Manual
Herbert Drills Types C, V and M and "V Senior" (single and multi-set drill) Operator's Instruction Manual - Final and most-complete edition.
Herbert Drills Types C, V and M Parts Manual
Herbert Drills Types C, V and M and "V senior" Spare Parts Manual as clear Exploded Component Diagrams. This is the final and most complete Edition.
Multico Senior 12-inch Saw Bench Manual
GV Nibbler Senior Manual
GV (Fabriks Aktiebolag) Nibbler "Senior" Sheet Steel Plate Working Machine: Instruction and Maintenance Manual.
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