Boley F1 Watchmaker's Lathe Catalogue
Boley F1 Super-precision Watchmakers' Lathe. Not a manual but a very detailed and informative Sales Catalogue that explains clearly how to use the lathe for the specialised work of which it was capable. 5 pages.
OLEY Miniature Precision Lathes: full-range Catalogue (1983) small format
BOLEY Miniature Precision Lathes: full-range Catalogue (1983) small format. Shows the last range of Boley lathes made including the 1HME, 2HME, F1, DW4, RD, 6LZ, 4E, 4PS, BDA-H, 4H, BKN-100, BDN-160, VG16 Multi-spindle drill, BE2 Bench Drill and the Boley Vice. 12 pages