BOLEY Precision Lathes (other than watchmakers' lathes): Three full-range catalogues 1920s and 1930 with complete range of lathes as manufactured early 1920s until mid 1940s

 BOLEY Precision Lathes (other than watchmakers' lathes): Three wonderful full-range catalogues from the 1920s and 1930 that show the complete range of plain-turning and screwcutting lathes as manufactured from the early 1920s until the mid 1940s. Includes a very rare UK price list. two catalogues are for the lathes, the third is a special Accessories Publication. 80 pages

  • Catalog
B211C Boley Sales Folder entire lathe range fromthe 1970s. Models include Miniature Precision Sizes 1 and 2, larger plain-turning and screwcutting Models 4E, 4H, 4PS, 4LV, 5LZDW4, RD25 and RD42

B211C Boley Sales Folder showing the entire lathe range as it was in the 1970s. Models shown include the Miniature Precision Sizes 1 and 2, the larger plain-turning and screwcutting Models 4E, 4H, 4PS, 4LV, 5LZDW4, RD25 and RD42. 8 pages.

  • Catalog
Boley "Precision Machine Tools" - Sales and Specification Folder with lathe Size 1, Mechanics Lathe Sizes 2, 3 and 4, Lathes 5LZ, DW4, REV25 and REV42, Drill & Tappers BE2 VBef & VGe10

Boley "Precision Machine Tools" - a 6-page Sales and Specification Folder showing the miniature precision lathe Size 1, Mechanics Lathe Sizes 2, 3 and 4, High-precision Screwcutting Lathe 5LZ, Lathe Type DW4, Lathes Types REV25 and REV42, Bench-mounted Sensitive Drill BE2, Multi-spindle Drills and Tapping Machines VBef13 and VGe10. 6 pages

Boley 4-HK Manual

Boley 4-HK Semi-Automatic, Cam-controlled Facing Lathe. Detailed Instruction and Maintenance Manual with large fold-out electrical, cam and chart schematics.

  • Operators Manual
  • Electrical Diagrams
  • Technical Drawings
Boley 4L Lathe Data Pack

Boley 4L lathe (both early and later types for bench and maker's stand mountings with countershafts. A data pack Consisting of an Operation Manual with Electrical Schematics, useful sectional drawings and a copy of the Sales & Specification Catalogue.

  • Operators Manual
  • Parts Manual
  • Electrical Diagrams
  • Catalog
Boley 5LZ Lathe Manual

Boley 5LZ High-precision Screwcutting Lathe. Boley 5LZ High-precision Screwcutting Lathe. Operating Instructions withsectional drawings through the headstock, headstock backgear assembly and the leadscrew bearings - but not other parts, adjustment of spindle bearings, Operating and repair instructions for the ZF clutches, an electrical schematic, lubrication ch

  • Operators Manual
  • Electrical Diagrams
  • Technical Drawings
  • Catalog
Boley Catalogue No. 271 showing lathes 1920s to 1930s

Catalogue of Boley Precision Lathes Models 1A, 1B, 1AM, 1BM, 1AH, 1BH, 2A, 2B, 3B, 3C, 4B, 4C, 3CR, 4BR, 2BJ, 3BJ, 4BJ, 3L, 4L, 2H, 3H, 4H, 3HK, 3HL, 3HM, 2HN, 2HK, 3HK, 4HK, 2HL, 3HL, 4HL, 2HM, 3HM, 4HM, PA, PS, PP, PQ, Type G and Accessories and Drive Systems. Catalogue No. 271 showing lathes as made from the 1920s to the 1930s. 34 pages

  • Catalog
Boley F1 Watchmaker's Lathe Catalogue

Boley F1 Super-precision Watchmakers' Lathe. Not a manual but a very detailed and informative Sales Catalogue that explains clearly how to use the lathe for the specialised work of which it was capable. 5 pages.

  • Catalog
Boley HRA Parts List

Boley HRA Camless Automatic Capstan lathe. 15 large electrical schematics and 22 pages of associated parts listings. Includes a very detailed 24-page Technical Specification Catalog with useful explanations about the lathe's control systems.

  • Parts Manual
  • Catalog
  • Electrical Diagrams