ELB Surface Grinders. Full-range Catalogue for the 1970s. Covers the ranges SW, SW0, SWB, SWB0, SWBD and SWBD0.
ELB Surface Grinders. A very useful full-range Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue for the 1970s. Well illustrated and with detailed information. Covers all the grinders grinders in the ranges SW, SW0, SWB, SWB0, SWBD and SWBD0. 48 pages.
Cone SW Manual
Cone 6 Spindle Conomatics Models SW, SX, SY, TA, SN, SD, SE, SF and SZ. Operator's Instruction Manual.
Cone SW Parts List
Cone 6 Spindle Conomatics. Parts Manual as Component Photographs for the "SW", "SX", "SY" and "TA" Models.
ELB SW3 to SW20 Surface Grinders Manual
ELB Surface Grinders SW3 to SW20 including B suffix models. Detailed Instruction and Maintenance Manual for all models .
ELB SW Manual
ELB Surface Grinder Model SW4: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual. This is a detailed Instruction Manual for operating all models SW3,SW4/5, SW6, SW8, SW10, SW12, SW15, SW20, etc. including B suffix models. Includes two wiring diagrams.
ELB SW6 and SW Series Grinder Manual & Data Pack
ELB Surface Grinder Model SW6: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and Parts Manual specific to the SW6 (though the instructions apply to all the SW range).