ELB Surface Grinders. Detailed full-range Sales, Technical and Accessories Catalogue.

 ELB Surface Grinders. Detailed full-range Sales, Technical and Accessories Catalogue for the 1960s.
This large publication is packed with useful data. Covers the models VA1, VA11, Fo-ME, the SW Range, SWB Range, SW Range, SWD Range and all the many Accessories. Includes sections on grinding techniques, set-ups and examples of jobs.

  • Catalog
ELB SW Manual

ELB Surface Grinder Model SW4: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual. This is a detailed Instruction Manual for operating all models SW3,SW4/5, SW6, SW8, SW10, SW12, SW15, SW20, etc. including B suffix models. Includes two wiring diagrams.

  • Operators Manual
  • Electrical Diagrams
ELB SW4 and SW5 Manual

ELB Surface Grinder Model SW4 and SW5: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual specific to the SW4 and SW5 models. Includes two wiring diagrams.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Electrical Diagrams