Model: Union

This page displays all the content on the website associated with the 'Union' model. Numeric models include all prefixes, such as 'Number', 'Mark', 'Size' etc.

Manuals for Model: Union

Print code: MB174BFW

Radial-arm drill Type BR40 (as made by Wmw and also badged "Union" and AMK). Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with useful sectional drawings, annotated photographs of various assemblies and a Wiring Diagram.

Print code: MM508B/MHW1/MG755

Multico Graduate (Harrison Graduate and Union) Woodturning and Bowl-turning Lathe. Machine Manual with Maintenance, Lubrication, Wiring and Exploded-diagram and Sectional-Drawings Parts Manual. Two editions are included, early and late, showing both types of spindle design. Includes an original Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue.