Harrison Graduate Wood-turning Lathe Manual
Harrison Graduate Wood-turning lathe - also branded as the Union Graduate and Multico) Machine Manual with Maintenance, Lubrication, Wiring Schematics and Sectional-Drawing and exploded-components Parts Manual. Two editions are included, early and late, showing both types of spindle design.
Multico B400 Manual
Multico Graduate Wood Lathe Manual
Multico Graduate (Harrison Graduate and Union) Woodturning and Bowl-turning Lathe. Machine Manual with Maintenance, Lubrication, Wiring and Exploded-diagram and Sectional-Drawings Parts Manual. Two editions are included, early and late, showing both types of spindle design. Includes an original Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue.
Multico K Manual
Multico Model K Morticer. Instruction Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.
Multico M Mortising Machine Manual
Multico Model M Morticing Machine. Instruction Manual with Parts as exploded component drawings. 8 pages.
Multico PM10 Manual
Multico Senior 12-inch Saw Bench Manual
Multico TM Manual
Multico TM Tenoner. Instruction Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.
Multico, Fusso, Shopsmith Universal Woodworker Manual
Multico Universal Woodworker - actually a clone of the American Shopsmith Mk.5 Universal Woodworker - also badged as Fusso, Multico, Shopsmith, Teckney, Tyme, Total Shop, MasterShop, Master Woodcraft, SuperWoodBuilder, ShopCentre and SuperShop, etc. A Data Set with two Editions of the Detailed Operator's Instruction Manuals with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings and a superb
- Operators Manual
- Parts Manual
Shopsmith Mk.5 (and earlier) Multi-function Woodworking Machine. Data Set.
Shopsmith Mk.5 Universal Woodworker - also badged as Fusso, Multico, Shopsmith, Teckney, Tyme, Total Shop, MasterShop, Master Woodcraft, SuperWoodBuilder, ShopCentre, SuperShop, Total Shop 6-in1, etc. Data Set with two Editions (early and late) of the Detailed Operator's Instruction Manuals with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings and a superbly-illustrated Sales, Technical Sp
- Operators Manual
- Parts Manual
- Catalog
Tekny Multico TWL 800/1000 Wood Lathe Manual
Tekny TWL 800/1000 Wood-turning Lathe (sometimes badged Multico) with 2-bar bed. Two Instruction Manuals (one Multico the other Tekny) with a Parts manual as Exploded Component Drawings. Includes copies of the Maker's Sales and Specification Sheets.