All types of drive belts supplied: V, flat, round (leather & plastic), linked belts, variable-speed, poly-V, etc.

We sell drive belts custom-made to your specification, as well as prefabricated belts for specific machines or applications.

For immediate delivery or straightforward advice about any belt feel free to call us. No order is too small.

We also stock miniature V-belts (6 & 8mm top widths) and the special belts for: Axminster 918, Warco 918 (and similar developed copies of the Emco Compact 8), Naerok and Seeley bandsaws, etc.
Belts also stocked or made for a variety of popular Lathes & Millers: Myford, Boxford, Emco, Unimat, Axminster, Warco, Colchester, Harrison etc.

Advice on how to ensure that you order the correct length of flat belting can be found here.

Custom Drive Belts

We can make several types of belt to your specifications, and these can be supplied joined or you can join them yourself on the machine. Follow the links below for more information.

Betalon Multiply Flat Belting

The ideal installation for any machine tool is an endless Betalon-Multiply belt: these are light in weight but immensely strong and stretch resistant. They absorb shock loads well, have a high coefficient of friction, enjoy a proven record of reliable industrial service and can be made in almost any combination of length and width.

Super-Tensile Flat Belting

This belt (unlike cheaper alternatives cut from conveyor belts and cheap copies made in India) is UK-made, enormously strong, densely woven and specially designed for machine-tool use.

Polycord Belts - Solid Round Plastic Belting

Polycord Belting - immediate delivery from stock. This makes an excellent, long-life application for hard-worked machines - from models though engravers to small lathes and millers, etc. Our solid plastic belting is made in Switzerland and of the very best quality. We can produce belts of practically any length down to 140 mm long using a jigged joint and heat weld. Although all belts stretch, Polycord is more resistant than most, especially when 6mm in diameter or over.

Hollow Round Plastic Belting

This makes an excellent, long-life application for hard-working machines. Our plastic belting is of the very best quality and is made in Switzerland. Hollow belts are easy to fit without dismantling the machine or having to melt the ends of the belt together. However, if you need a belt with minimum stretch, the solid type, available here, is the better choice.

Round Leather Belting
Early lathes, light-duty milling machines, drills, Singer and other makes of sewing machine and assorted power tools were often driven by a round leather belt, sometimes referred to in contemporary literature as a "gut" drive. This type of belting is also used in furniture and similar products. It is still available and usually in stock for immediate delivery. The belt colour is actually a light tan - and far lighter than shown in the photograph. Please note: the stated diameter of the material is nominal i.e. the measurement might be a little under or over the given figure.
Power Twist V-Belt

A new development of an old idea - a link belt without metal fasteners. This is highly effective on all lighter machine tools and especially useful on precision lathes and millers where a "softer" drive, free from vibration, is appropriate.

Nu-T-Link V-Belt

This is the superior replacement for the original "Brammer" black-fabric "round-end" link-belting that was held together with mushroom-headed metal pins each (usually) stamped with a letter "B". The new belts have only a slight curve to the end of each link and the head of the pins are now "T" section.

Drive Belts in Stock

We offer a number of endless belts for common machine tools, and can also supply numerous other belts not listed here. Contact us to place an order.