SIP (Societe Genevoise) Hydroptic 6A and 7A Jig Borers - A complete Data Pack
SM560V SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer HYDROPTIC-6A and 7A. A complete data pack consisting of: "Operator's Instruction Manua"l together with "Preliminary Instruction Manual", "Maintenance Manual" and the larger of the two published "Electrical Instructions with Wiring Schematics" (the Electrics Manual has 58 pages rather than the 10 of the first edition).
- Operators Manual
- Maintenance Manual
- Electrical Diagrams
- Catalog
- Other
SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer MP-3K and MK-5E Service Manual for the Numerical Readout System "Readout A35"
SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer MP-3K and MK-5E Service Manual for the Numerical Readout System "Readout A35" with 14 large electrical schematics.
- Maintenance Manual
- Electrical Diagrams
SIP 8P Jig Borer
SIP 8P Jig Borer
I'm afraid that we have nothing marked as specific for the SIP 8P - but this was a machine with the same size and travel of table, head side-to-side travel - and an identical design of table-drive system and measuring equipment as the SIP 6A and 7A models - but designed for production purposes, rather than jig boring (hence the suffix "P").
SIP Full-range Catalogue (1950s - 1960s)
SIP (Societe Genevoise) Full-range, all-models, accessories and tooling catalogue covering the period 1950s to 1960s. This consists of the largest catalogue from the period, plus every additional different page from other SIP "Full-range" publications of the same era. Jig Borers: 1H, 2P, 3K, 3K-CN, 4G, 5E-CN, 6A, 6A-DIR, 6A-CN, 7A, 7P, 7A-DIR, 7A-CN, 8P.