HERCUS 9-inch Lathe Catalogue. Early edition showing the "South Bend Clone" lathes in their original configuration. 19 detailed pages.
Manuals and Catalogues
HERCUS 260T Lathe Models ATM, BTM and CTM. Two Sales & Technical Specification Catalogues - one for the range of 260 models the other a comprehensive, well-illustrated list of all the optional extras. Includes screwcutting conversions charts for metric to inch and inch to metric. 12 pages.
HERCUS 3A Tool & Cutter Grinder. Sales & Technical Specification Catalogues. 4 pages.
Hercus Lathe Data Pack - as a copy of the original 9-inch South Bend the Hercus has the same layout and arrangement of models as the English Boxford - for which a dedicated, comprehensive Operation, Maintenance Manual was issued that is ideal for use with the Hercus. The original Boxford publication has been extended and specially put together by Tony Griffiths with the aim of providing as complete a set of information as possible. It consists of a complete 206-page publication for all models of belt-drive Boxford lathe from first to last.
Hercus lathes "Textbook of Turning". Comprehensive coverage of hos to use the hercus clone of the 9-inch South Bend Lathe. See: http://www.lathes.co.uk/hercus
Hercus No. 0 Horizontal Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with some useful sectional drawings including the vertical head, Circuit Diagrams, Dividing Head Charts and a copy of the maker's Technical Specification, Sales and Accessories catalogue.
Hercus Parts
Changewheels for Boxford, South Bend "9-inch" lathes. A full range is available - but we have currently to rebuild this section of the website.
As the list is incomplete,...