Dean, Smith & Grace (Monarch) CNC250 and CNC305 Manual

Monarch (Dean, Smith & Grace) CNC250 and CNC305 Lathe. Detailed Maintenance Manual with Phillips 3482/PC20 PCI Ladder charts, Parts Manual as Engineering Drawings and Electrical Diagrams. The Parts drawings were issued on a blue paper, have been scanned at very high resolution, carefully adjusted and are best when viewed on screen where the details are much clearer.

  • Maintenance Manual
  • Parts Manual
Dean Smith and Grace 1307 Manual

Dean Smith and Grace Lathes Types 1307. Instructions, Maintenance, Adjustment and a Parts Manual as Sectiona Drawings. Includes a copy of the Maker's detailed Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Parts Manual
  • Catalog
Dean Smith and Grace 13Z & "Minor" lathes Manual

Dean Smith and Grace Type 13Z and 13ZH "Minor" lathes as made during the 1940s. Two publications in one: simple Instruction Books with Screwcutting Charts and clutch-adjustment instructions, a copy of the interesting, well-illustrated and detailed Maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue and "A Short History of the Firm of Dean, Smith & Grace Ltd.".

  • Operators Manual
  • Catalog
Dean Smith and Grace 15, 17 & 17T Manual

Dean, Smith and Grace Type 15, 17 and 17T (toolroom version) Lathes: A complete data pack for these superb, high-class and popular lathes: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and Parts Manuals as sectional drawings - three editions in one covering both early and late models, their different gearboxes with specific screwcutting instructions and screwcutting charts for inch, metr

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Catalog
Dean Smith and Grace 1709, 1910, 1910-TNR, 2112 & 2415 Lathe Manual

Dean Smith and Grace Lathes Types 1709, 1910, 1910-TNR, 2112 & 2415. Instructions, Maintenance, Adjustment, an Illustrated Parts Manual as clear sectional drawings, instructions for using the taper-turning and hydraulic attachments and copies of the various screwcutting and feed charts.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Parts Manual
Dean Smith and Grace 18 and 21 Manual

Dean Smith and Grace Type 18 and 21 Lathes: Operator's Instruction and basic Maintenance Manual with a copy of the detailed and well-illustrated all-models maker's Sales, Technical Specification Catalogue for the same era. This lathe was often also marked as a Model TYpe with its between-centres capacity e.g. 21-30, 21-36, 21-48, etc.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Catalog
Dean Smith and Grace Hydraulic Copying & High-speed Threading Attachment. Data Pack

Dean Smith and Grace: Data Pack with two dedicated and detailed Hydraulic Copying Operator's Instruction Manuals and a Parts Manual with a section on the associated High-speed Threading Attachment. These were the only two dedicated manuals for this system published by DSG

Dean Smith and Grace Type 13, 13-1, 13-30 and 16SB Lathe Manual

Dean Smith and Grace Lathes Types 13, 13-1, 13-30, 13-42 and 16SB Lathes. Comprehensive Instruction, Maintenance, Adjustment and Illustrated Parts Manual. Includes electrical schematics, enlarged diagrams of the various screwcutting charts and a copy of the maker's comprehensive Technical Sales and Specification catalogue.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Parts Manual
  • Electrical Diagrams
  • Catalog