
Monarch lathes were first made in 1909, when the company produced four different models. A reputation for fine-quality machine tools was quickly established and it is for this reason that the Monarch name is now so widely respected in engineering circles.

Monarch Lathes: Technical Guide and "Factory Tour"

MONARCH Lathes USA. "Factory Tour" booklet published 1938 and titled "Features of Monarch Lathes" This is a superb production illustrating all aspects of the Monarch production process from casting and forging, gear cutting through machining, quality checking, wear testing and metallurgy.

  • Catalog
MONARCH Model C Toolroom Lathe Catalog

MONARCH Model C Toolroom Lathe. Superb Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue, dated 1930 with copious illustrations and sectional drawings of the headstock, cross and top slides, apron, spindle nose,
relieving rest and changewheel quadrant. 26 pages plus 6 extra pages of enlarged sectional drawings.

  • Catalog
MONARCH Lathe Catalogue circa 1919

MONARCH Lathe Catalogue circa 1919 - not a manual (there were non for the
early lathes) but precise technical details are given of a huge range of
Monarch lathes and accessories of the type built between 1909 and approximately
. If you have an early Monarch lathe, this seems to be the only data

  • Catalog
MONARCH Lathes (USA): Catalogue 1949

M815D MONARCH Lathes (USA): Catalogue 1949 includes: 10EE, 10" Manufacturing, 10" Speed-matic, 13" Model 70 Super Lathe, 14", 16", 18", 20" Series 60 Engine & Toolmaker's lathes, 20"M, 25"N, 32"NN, 32" 150, Automatic sizing lathes, Monarch-Keller Form-turning lathe, Uni-matic, Magna-matic, shapemaster engraver. 23 pages.

MONARCH Lathes. Range Catalog 1955 Models

MONARCH Lathes. Range Catalog 1955 Models: 10EE, Speedi-matic, Series
10EE Model 1000, Series 62, Series 61, Series 80, Series 90, Models M, N and
NN, Mona-matics, Hydra Slide, Air-gage Tracer, Monarch Keller, Motor-Trace,
Heavy Duty Roll Turner, Shapemaster Engraver and 60-degree Right-angle lathes.
36 pages.

MONARCH "Features of Monarch Lathes" Catalog dated 1938.

MONARCH Lathes USA. "Features of Monarch Lathes" dated 1938. Comprehensive and beautifully illustrated 36-page edition clearly describing the special design features and accessories offered by Hendey. Dated 1935 and showing features used from the 1930s to the 1940s.

  • Catalog
Monarch 10EE Lathe (New height) Data Pack

Monarch 10EE Lathe - Two full editions of the Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and Parts Manuals for the "new height" lathe with the rectangular selector chart and enclosed gear drive to the screwcutting gearbox.

  • Operators Manual
  • Parts Manual
  • Electrical Diagrams
  • Catalog
Monarch 610 Manual

Monarch 610 models 2516 and 2013. Operator's Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded-component Drawings. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification and Technical Specification Catalogue.

  • Operators Manual
  • Parts Manual
  • Catalog