
SHELDON 10-inch L and XL later-type most on an underdrive stand but sometimes found as a bench-mounted type with a rear-mounted countershaft and the word "Sheldon" in large letters on the right-hand face of the headstock belt-drive cover. V-belt transmission a screwcutting gearbox with TWO SELECTOR LEVERS on the front face of the screenwriting gearbox as sold from the late 1940s under various designations. The lathe was current from the late 1940s to the 1970s and sold under various Model designations. A comprehensive 110-page Data Pack including Operation and Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings. Contains an Electrical Schematic, a copy of the maker's comprehensive Sales & Specification Catalog and a copy of the Sheldon publication "Care and Operation of a Lathe". The lathe is shown in the second picture down on this page: and here:  For the earlier lathe with a single-tumbler gearbox see:

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