Sheldon Lathes - Early Models Data Pack: late 1930s to 1940s
Unfortunately a proper handbook was never produced for early flat-belt drive Sheldon lathes with 9-inch, 10-inch and 11-inch swings - but we can offer a complete Data Pack that gives all the information known about this model (Pictures of this type here: It consists of: - "Care
Sheldon L and XL 10-inch Lathe (1940s - 50s) Single-tumber Crewcutting Gearbox Lathe. Data Pack
Sheldon 10-inch L and XL (and many variants) later-type model, most on an underdrive stand but sometimes found as a bench-mounted type with a rear-mounted countershaft and the word "Sheldon" in large letters on the right-hand face of the headstock belt-drive cover. V-belt transmission a screwcutting gearbox with a single selector lever on the front face as sold from the late 19
Sheldon L and XL Lathe with Twin-tumbler Gearbox (1950s - 1970s) Manual
Sheldon 10-inch L and XL later-type model with Underdrive Stand , V-belt transmission and a two-lever screwcutting gearbox as sold 1950s to 1970s under various designations. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.
Portass Lathes Literature Collection
Portass Lathes: no manuals were ever issued but there is a wonderful collection of (rare) Sales & Technical Specification Sheets, Individual Machine Catalogues, Illustrations, Accessories and "Letters of Recommendation" available: X.L., Mark V, Model X.
SHELDON L and XL Twin-tumbler Gearbox Lathe: Data Pack
SHELDON 10-inch L and XL later-type most on an underdrive stand but sometimes found as a bench-mounted type with a rear-mounted countershaft and the word "Sheldon" in large letters on the right-hand face of the headstock belt-drive cover. V-belt transmission a screwcutting gearbox with TWO SELECTOR LEVERS on the front face of the screenwriting gearbox as sold from the late 1940
Newall-Keighley XL Manual
Newall-Keighley XL Cylindrical Grinding Machine. Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings.